Saturday, 16 July 2011

Basic Cat Care

Our cats can almost look after themselves. They still need to be loved though so here are some basic cat care tips.
Most cats are very clean creatures and know when to bath themselves. With this in mind, you don't need to bath your cat unless something major happens. The cat will have a shiny coat if you take the time to brush them every day. By doing this will lessen the chance of fur balls and shedding fur.
Do you know the correct way to pick up a cat? In the wild, the big cats pick up the little ones by the scruff of the neck.
However, this should not be copied by you. The best way to pick up your cat is to use one hand to support the rear and the other hand under the chest. Be careful as some cats don't like to be picked up and will let you know by hissing.
The cat likes to have its own special place in your home. Somewhere cozy and warm like an old fluffy towel in a basket or box will make a nice place for the cat to rest. Just like your own bed sheets, make sure you change the bedding very regular for your cat.
If your cat is indoors more than outdoors, they will need a litter tray. Try to put the litter tray in a place where your cat can reach it easily with no problems. Nice places to put the litter tray includes the cellar, laundry room or any place where your personal hygiene won't be affected. If you place has more than one floor, it's a good idea to have a litter tray on each floor. Your cat will get used to the place you put the litter tray so try not to move it too often as you may find kitty mess on the floor. Cats are clean creatures so try to keep the litter box as clean as possible. Change the contents of the tray on a daily basis and clean with hot water.
As everyone knows, a cat will want to chase mice. A good toy for your cat are the toys that look like mice or any other creature it may want to chase, especially if the toy moves, giving it more realism and more fun for kitty. With toys like this, your cat will love to exercise its natural predator side. Laser pointers are good fun too. Just make sure you don't point it into the eyes of kitty. With a laser pointer, you can make quick movements on walls and floors which the cat will love to chase.
A catnip plant will stimulate your cat. You can get them from pet shops inside toys or as a stand alone plant. The catnip plant gives many cats a natural high feeling but will not harm your cat in any way. Be sure that you only let cats older than 12 weeks near a cat nip plant.
Basic cat care is easy, just be sure to build it into your daily routines.
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